Veil My Eyes
Lord my eyes are veiled to Thee
Still brilliant radiance captures me
Lord veil my eyes to Your holiness
For I’m bound to your love mysteriously
Lord, like a child I see Your face
Like a child I feel Your embrace
Don’t lift the veil Lord, awesome God
Till by grace I’m clothed with You above
Don’t lift that veil Lord, lest I die
I know I need to be wholly sanctified
Let all creation announce your love
That unveils Jesus, who face to face will come
That unveils Jesus, who face to face will come
Lord my eyes are veiled to Thee
Still brilliant radiance captures me
Lord veil my eyes to Your holiness
I’m bound to your love mysteriously
Lord, like a child I see Your face
Like a child I feel Your embrace
Don’t lift the veil Lord, awesome God
Till by grace I’m clothed with You above
Don’t lift that veil Lord, lest I die
I know I need to be wholly sanctified
Let all creation announce your love
That unveils Jesus, who face to face will come
Let all creation announce your love
That unveils Jesus, who face to face will come
That unveils Jesus, who face to face will come
That unveils Jesus, who face to face will come
Composed by Frieda McRae
Produced by Christopher Hale and Peter Hicks