I echo a cry.
God is a romantic who yearns for our kiss
and thrives on relationship.
Take your eyes off the chaos.
Come Away with Me
Click here for song – Come Away with Me
He breaks down barriers, He crumples the walls
He makes the way open giving justice to all.
He’s the God of justice, the God who sheds tears
At crime and darkness which evil brings in.
He’s the crying Lord and with painful compassion
Keeps tears in His wineskin for healing the nations.
He repays with punishment the sins of the world,
But with hugs and embraces the sinner He kisses!
Father of love, from whom we are born,
God of creation, of wonder, of storm
Father of love, in whom I am found,
Extravagant forgiver, with love I am bound!
Kiss the Son, my love, kiss the Son, my king.
May the wine flow gently from His lips to those asleep.
I belong to my lover; His desire is for me
Come, my lover, come away with me.
Composer: Frieda McRae
With Dr. Sydney Thyle
Sonu Kumar
Dr. Michael Sethi